Sunday, August 24, 2008

Life with the G family is never dull!!!

Let's see what has happened this past week? Well the good news is we have foundations on our lot :) We got them on Friday of this last week, very exciting!! We will finish up on the exterior type stuff with the other 7 and then start on the final 3 and then move back onto the others to do the inside work!!
I had fun yesterday I got to cut out the door ways, with this big saw saw I think that is what you call it?? I also got up on the trusses again to help with that, that wasn't such a wonderful time for me, i felt very nervous but I am glad I was able to help!!

I got E registered for Kindergarten on Wed. He starts Sept. 2nd and I am very anxious about it, but I know he will love it and he is need of the routine again!

Thurs. didn't get off to a good start at all, I woke up with a migrane headache, I get so sick to my stomach with these, not fun when your home with the kids alone :( I was so thankful though as M slept in that am until 9.30am he doesn't do this normally, I think it was God's grace. The a few hours later M & I got locked out of the house by E, we coaxed him into letting us back in as we were out there in our P.J.s. The boys had got out of the house while I was on the phone with my mum she had called earlier in the morning when I was sick, so she was checking up on me, when I had my back turned the boys got out the front door and were running around outside in their PJ'S so I went outside to bring them in again and while getting M, E locked the door.......ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Once we got inside I figured it was time for some quiet creative play so we got out the playdough, now what else could go wrong? Well somehow the playdough got wet, not sure how as I was in the kitchen the whole time but anyway E had playdough all stuck to his legs, which then got stuck to my carpet!!! GROAN!!! I looked at the clock and it was only noon!!!
Thankfully things got better in the afternoon :)

Anyway that was enough excitement for one morning, actually for one week!!! hehehe

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