Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ask God!

This morning I went for a walk, I often call it my think and prayer time. I had spent most of my walk listening to a preacher on the Christian radio, but as I was getting closer to home, I turned it off and started to pray.
I was praying for my children when God brought to mind something that had happened yesterday with E.
I had picked up my boys  & our neighbor kids from school, E had been playing with his Nintendo DS but when we got back home it came to my attention that the little pen that goes along with it that you use to touch things on the screen had gone missing. M had been using it and in his excitement to go show his little friends his pumpkin he had got the day before, he lost the pen as he was leaving the van. E and I started to look for the pen, trying to get M to help. It wasn't very successful and I found myself getting more and more irritated and very frustrated. In the midst of my ranting and raving, I heard E say "ask God", ask God", but I was frustrated and wasn't paying very much attention and instead I chose to rant more. The more I ranted the "ask God" got louder, then he said loudly "Ask God, He will help you, remember at Sunday school they tell us to ask God he will help you". As I write I have tears in my eyes for many reasons. We have often told E when he is in a situation where he needs help, that he can stop and ask God to help him. One of the times was when he couldn't find his shoes, so we often hear him say when we ask him "Where are your shoes, he replies, " ask God". But he also obviously has heard this at Church too :)

This morning as I was praying and God brought to mind this incident yesterday. I am humbled, but thankful to God for reminding me through my own child that we should "Ask Him". I was also just really in awe of how God is working in my little boys heart. Very often he seems so distracted, focused on his own little world that we never are really sure of what he hears or comprehends, but Praise God this little boy is hearing and comprehending and God is using Him to speak to my life. I am also reminded this morning though of how often we get angry, loud, we rant and we rave when things are difficult, things aren't going our way, we go to others first to ask for help! Wouldn't life be so much more simpler, if we just "Ask God"!!


Karen said...

well eyes are full of "wonderment tears" as I read this...praise God...E hears and remembers to share when others forget! we could all learn...thanks for to all...Auntie Karen

Julieanne said...

That's such a blessing, to have your son mention something that we should do first...but as mamas, we often forget.

So, the question of the day is, did you find the little "stick"?




Jayne G said...

no we didn't but it is interesting as it wasn't until this morning when I got thinking about the whole thing that I could see that God was using it to speak to my heart. i was too frustrated yesterday to even stop and pray :( I asked E to forgive me when he came home from school as I was too busy and frustrated, he said yes, what a sweet boy :)